As I step into this phase of life, it does feel to me like a second childhood. And my play toys all seem to involve fiber of one sort or another. The name “Fibergarten” is a mashup of kindergarten (which I loved) and fiber (which I also love) and evokes the playful, exploratory spirit of my inner 5 year old.
Welcome to my website where I share my passions of feltmaking and the practice of SoulCollage®.
Making and teaching about felt keeps my creative energies flowing. It’s like finger painting with silk and wool. These humble materials offered by worms and sheep provide an endless array of art forms; wearable and decorative.
Fiber of another sort, namely paper images from magazines and books are all one needs for creative play in another arena. SoulCollage® allows me to remain connected to the healing arts, from which I have formally retired. The practice promotes an intuitive exploration of one’s inner landscape which is often revealing and surprising. I love facilitating groups and workshops to share this practice with others.
Thanks for taking a look!